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“Nature on air” podcast series

We invite you to listen to the new series of ICC podcasts, this time devoted to the exhibition “Homing. Włodzimierz Puchalski”. We talk to professionals working in the field of culture and literature, but also to a botanist and an educator. The topics cover nature photography and the relationship between humans and nature.

Aneta Słowikowska discusses the biography of Włodzimierz Puchalski. Urszula Zajączkowska talks with Adam Robiński about the ethical implications of photographing nature. Monika Kozień and Paweł Wrona reflect on the evolution of nature photography over the past decades. Kasper Jakubowski talks about a new ecosystem that emerged in a closed quarry in Kraków.

These podcasts show that the work of Włodzimierz Puchalski can be an interesting starting point for the reflection on the current perception of nature and various ways of documenting it.

Podcasts can be listed at: podcasts “Nature on air”


Włodzimierz Puchalski and his love for birds

An interview with Aneta S ł owikowska, who discusses the biography of W ł odzimierz Puchalski and talks about his fascination with nature. Puchalski got his first camera when he was 13 and has not parted with it since then.

Photographing nature and ethical dilemmas

Urszula Zajączkowska and Adam Robiń ski talk about ethical d ilemmas surrounding nature photograph y . They also talk about the dissonance between Puchalski's love for nature and hunting, which he practiced all his life.

The changes of nature photography

Monika Kozień and Paweł Wrona consider how nature photography has evolved over the past decades. A great deal of natural science knowledge is still needed, but the tools we have at our disposal in the 21st century are definitely more perfect.

When nature recovers areas abandoned by humans

Kasper Jakubowski visits the Liban quarry and t alks about how the place where limestone was mined from the 14th century to 1986 was reclaimed by nature. Over the course of 36 years, these areas have developed a new ecosystem, an enclave of biodiversity.
A banner with a sign with the aisle of the event. Black and white color. In the foreground an empty grassy space, in the background an apartment building.

How birds adapted to city life

Interview with Jacek Karczewski about birds that have adapted to urban reality. The naturalist talks about the most common species in large agglomerations – such as crow, magpie, pigeon or mallard duck, their habits and extraordinary intelligence.
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