Tłumacz Migam - Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon Tekst łatwy do czytania i rozumienia Informacje dla zwiedzających
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ETR Rynek 25

Some facts about the International Cultural Centre


The short for International Cultural Centre is ICC

ICC is a national cultural institution

ICC organises exhibitions, events, and workshops

ICC runs research projects and publishes books

When visiting its exhibitions you will learn more about the history, culture and art in Poland and Europe

For more information visit our website https://mck.krakow.pl/

or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/mckkrakow/

or our Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/mckkrakow/


at the ICC you can:

  • visit exhibitions
  • buy books about European culture, art, and history
  • take part in events, meetings, and workshops
  • loan books from our library

 ETR nasz adres

Our address:                                   

You can find us at Rynek Główny 25 in Krakow.ETR tramwaj

Closet tram stops:

Teatr Bagatela, Plac Wszystkich Świętych, FilharmoniaETR autobus

Closet bus stop:

Teatr Bagatela




ETR godziny otwarcia

Gallery opening hours:                    

ICC is open Tuesday to Sunday

ICC is open from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

The final admission is 5.00 pm


Contacts us:   ETR telefon

Phone: 12 42 42 815   

ETR mail

E-mail: sekretariat@mck.krakow.pl 

Accessibility coordinator:  

ETR koordynator
Daniel Krawczyk


Phone/text 784 032 228



More information for persons with disabilities available here::




Symbole: http://www.arasaac.org/ udostępnione na licencji CC (BY-NC-SA)


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