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International summer training programme is addressed to the staff of conservation and preservation services as well as institutions of culture and non-governmental institutions involved in the protection of heritage.


From 8-14 July 2024, the 13th edition of the summer school took place in Upper Silesia, with post-industrial heritage as its theme. Participants visited, among others, the Coal Mining Museum in Zabrze, the Historic Silver Mine in Tarnowskie Góry or the Nikiszowiec workers' housing estate in Katowice, but also took part in numerous discussions, meetings and workshops.


The 12th edition of the summer school took place in Budapest on July 10-15, 2023. The theme was the reconstruction  of monuments and sites – the re-establishment of structures of outstanding cultural value, destroyed as a result of accidents or natural disasters. The participants visited – among others –  the Buda, the Hungarian Old Village of Hollókő, and the Castle of Visegrád.


The eleventh edition of the programme took place on July 11-17, 2022. The participants of the Summer School reflected on the understanding of the outstanding universal value (OUV) – the value for which a site is inscribed on the World Heritage List. The main theme of this year’s edition was Spiš where a unique, medieval architectural complex was preserved. A separate panel was devoted to the Hague Convention and the protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflicts.


The tenth edition of the course took place on July 8-14, 2019. The theme was the management of UNESCO World Heritage sites dealing with the problem of overtourism, with a special focus put on the example of Český Krumlov.


The ninth edition of the course took place on July 9-15, 2018. The program was devoted to the heritage of the Reformation, and the main focus of interest was the protection and management of the Peace Church in Świdnica and its extensive archives. Within the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the number of participants was increased to 30 - Ukraine, Belarus and Germany also had their representation, apart from the Visegrad countries.


In 2016 (27.06 – 3.07), the programme was held for the eighth time, and its central theme was the management of locations entered on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The main subject this year was the heritage of Hungary, notably the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma (visual integrity and buffer zone issues).


In July 13–19, 2015, the programme held for the seventh time, and its central theme will be the management of locations entered on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The main subject this year will be the heritage of Slovakia, notably Banská Štiavnica.


The dition was exclusively devoted (as iin previous year – when the sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska was the study case), to one of Czech UNESCO World Heritage Sites – Historic Centre of Telč. The course which comprises a study tour and meetings with experts and persons responsible for the management of this particular cultural heritage site took place from 7th to 13th July, 2014. 


The edition was exclusively devoted to one of Polish UNESCO World Heritage Sites – Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. The course which comprises a study tour and meetings with experts and persons responsible for the management of this particular cultural heritage site took place from 14th to 17th June.
The documentation regarding management principles of the Polish WH Sites has been found incomplete. Because of that, it has been decided to develop, within the programme of the course, a part of the management plan for the Kalwarian site, as a recommendation.


The edition was exclusively devoted to the UNESCO World Heritage sites located in Hungary, while preservation of cultural landscape will be the course’s major theme. The course which comprises of study tours and meetings with experts and managers of cultural heritage sites took place from July 9 to July 16 in both Poland and Hungary.

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