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Heritage Forum of Central Europe
The Heritage Forum of Central Europe is an international conference that takes place every two years, during which specialists from Central Europe, as well as researchers and experts from all over the world who deal with the issues of the region discuss the issues of cultural heritage. The conference in Krakow is a voice of Central Europe in the field of its philosophy, management, preservation, and economic and political dimension.

The International Cultural Centre is the coordinator of the Cultural Heritage Experts’ Working Group representing the V4 countries by the mandate of the ministers of culture of the Visegrad countries. The Forum is an initiative of the ICC, created not only to enrich the dialogue between neighbours on their common heritage, but most of all to make it a significant contribution of Central Europe into a global debate on preserving cultural heritage in circumstances of a violent change.

The 1st Heritage Forum of Central Europe took place in 2011 and was an occasion for the complex recapitulation of the 20 years of transformation in culture, heritage in the region, and indicating common problems and new challenges that they entail
Graphic with the name of the event.

7th Heritage Forum of Central Europe: Responsibility & Renewal

The 7th edition of the Heritage Forum of Central Europe is scheduled to take place from September 4th to 5th, 2024, at the premises of the International Cultural Centre in Kraków. Against the backdrop of the current situation in Ukraine and in commemoration of the anniversaries of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict and the 1964 Venice Charter, this year's forum will convene under the theme "Responsibility & Renewal". Each day of the forum will focus on one of these themes, featuring three two-hour-long discussion panels and a keynote lecture.
6. Heritage Forum of Central Europe

6. Heritage Forum of Central Europe: Heritage and Development

Counteracting climate change - is it for or against heritage? What is community archeology? How to use responsibility for heritage while minimizing the negative effects of its exploitation? Is the answer to sustainable tourism? During the 6th Central European Heritage Forum (June 16-18, 2021), participants focused on the mutual relations between cultural heritage and broadly understood development.
Graphics with the name of the event.

5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe: Heritage and Environment

The objective of the fifth edition of the Forum was a reflection on the multidimensional relationships between heritage and the environment – widely understood as everything that surrounds us, both in its tangible aspect as well as its social and cultural one.
Graphics with the name of the event.

4th Heritage Forum of Central Europe: Heritage and society

The purpose of the fourth edition was to discuss and analyse mutual relationships between heritage and society. The decision on the priority treatment of the issue of heritage’s cultural, political, and economic influence on contemporary society was connected with the diagnosis of the state of research in heritage studies. For a long time now, the bonds between society and heritage have been considered to be one of the most important aspects of the debate on human legacy, both tangible and intangible.
Banner with the name of the event.

3rd Heritage Forum of Central Europe: The city

The theme of the 3rd Forum was The City. The study of the city brought together researchers and practitioners from many disciplines: experts in urban matters, economists, sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, historians, and art historians.
Graphics with the name of event.

2nd Heritage Forum of Central Europe: The limits of heritage

The second decade of the 21st century was favourable not only to deliberations on the mere system of heritage preservation, but also on its dimension and philosophy: What should be preserved? How should relations between contemporaneity and history be built? In the context of international and local lists of objects, sites places and forms of cultural heritage – where does heritage end and when does contemporaneity become heritage?

1st Heritage Forum of Central Europe

The first edition of conference took place as an expert meeting within the Polish Presidency of the European Union. The conference was organised in cooperation with the Monument Care Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (Odbor pamatkove peće Ministerstvo kultury Ćeske republiky), the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic (Pamiatkovy urad Slovenskej republiky) and the National Office of Cultural Heritage, Budapest (Kulturalis Óroksegvedelmi Hivatal).
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