Tłumacz Migam - Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon Tekst łatwy do czytania i rozumienia Informacje dla zwiedzających
Public Information Bulletin
PIB editor: Monika Czepielewska-Wóycicka (m.czepielewska-woycicka[at]mck.krakow.pl)
The ICC tenement house on the Main Square in Krakow


The International Cultural Centre in Krakow is a national institution of culture specialising in the issues of culture and heritage of Central Europe.
ICC logo


The logo of the ICC was created at the end of 1992 and the beginning of 1993 following an appointment by a closed competition entered by five renown graphic designers from Krakow who had already been working with the new institution. The author of the winning design was Monika Pietsch, a graduate from Krakow’s Academy of Fine Arts. The jury chaired by Prof. Piotr Krakowski selected Pietsch’s entry praising its formal qualities, simplicity, clarity of shape and composition as well as semantic charge.
Subsidy from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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