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International Cultural Centre - Home


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06.10.2024, godz. 12:30

Words and Brushes - workshops

Educational project for Ukrainian speaking children aged 6 through 12.

08.10.2024, godz. 18:00

Bosnian meeting of the Central European Book Club

We invite you to the next meeting of the Central European Book Club, it will be devoted to the novel "Catch the Hare" by Lana Bastašić, published by Wydawnictwo Literackie, translated by Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić. Conducted by Dr. Aleksandra Wojtaszek.


Central European Book Club in fall and winter 2024

We invite you to the next autumn-winter edition of the Central European Book Club discussion. As part of our discussions, we talk about books from Central Europe and its surroundings - this year also about Finland and Italy. We collide different narratives, arrange different caesuras, look for identity, but above all, we talk for a long time about the common passion of all participants: literature.

11.10.2024, godz. 18:00

Overcome the Tower of Babel. Reading Miłosz in the languages of Native Europe

We cordially invite you to participate in a unique event - the Night of Poetry, which will take place on October 11, 2024 at the MCK. The main topic of the meeting will be the work of Czesław Miłosz, and the questions we will ask will concern the role of poetry in today's world.


Library Night at the MCK. 500 years of "La Operina"

Night of Libraries is a nationwide evening-night campaign promoting reading and libraries as open and accessible cultural institutions with an offer for people of all ages.

13.10.2024, godz. 12:30

MINImeetings with art - workshops

“MINI meetings with art” are a series of creative Sunday art workshops for children aged 4 to 10.

17.10.2024, godz. 18:00

Debate: Socmodernism. Bane or awakening?

How do we perceive the architectural heritage of socmodernism today? Is it only a symbol of oppression and totalitarianism, or does it show something more than the technological possibilities of post-war reconstruction and accelerated industrialisation?
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