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Chronological list of ICC publications
Here you will find all information about the publications of the ICC publishing house from the last 20 years. All titles are arranged chronologically according to the date of issue. You can find here both post-conference books collecting a record of speeches, papers and debates, as well as books from the Central Europe series, as well as all other books published by the ICC publishing house and all issues of the HERITO quarterly.

Links next to the titles refer to the detailed data of our publications, they also contain information about their availability or about the exhaustion of circulation.

Website in progress.

Graphic with date.

2021 – 2025

Graphic with date.

2020 – 2015

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2014 – 2010

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2009 – 2005

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2004 – 2000

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1999 – 1995

Graphic with date.


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