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The release of “Homing. Włodzimierz Puchalski” exhibition catalogue

Graphics showing the cover of the catalogue.

We invite you to buy our new publication which accompanies the exhibition of Włodzimierz Puchalski’s photographs at the ICC Gallery. The catalogue “Homing. Włodzimierz Puchalski” is an extraordinary portrait of one of the most famous Polish naturalists, a photographer and educator. A story about his life and work, about his working methods and exceptional sensitivity to the beauty of nature.


The catalogue features more than 100 photos by Puchalski as well as essays about the artist’s life, his connections with the Lviv school of photography, the sophisticated composition of his photographs and the methods of their making, as well as about the phenomenon of homing.


This is a trilingual Polish-English-Ukrainian publication.


“One of the recurring motifs in his writing was the belief that humans are the only species of vertebrates that transforms their natural environment into a completely alien and hostile environment. Humans do it out of their own free will, without any restraint.”

(Adam Robiński)


“Compared to the present situation, the tools at Puchalski's disposal were modest, but the value of wild nature representations does not depend only on the technical advancement of the equipment. It is equally important to skilfully refer to ideas about our own relationship with nature, including the world of animals.”

(Adam Sobota)


More information about the book at: about the catalogue


The catalogue can be bought at the ICC Gallery and at our online bookstore:



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