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Kraków’s good qualities – a walk along the trail of vanishing professions

2016-05-07, 11:00 a.m.
Kraków’s good qualities – a walk along the trail of vanishing professions.

The “Good Qualities” project was born as a diploma thesis at the Academy of Heritage – a postgraduate program run by the ICC. Jadwiga Schütterly conducted dozens of interviews with Kraków artisans. Along with photographs taken by Monika Chrabąszcz, the interviews were published in the blog www.dobrecechy.pl and for some time you can also buy them as a book.

The aim of the project was not only to document a retreating world, but also to persuade the public to reflect on the role of crafts and artisans in contemporary society. As the author of the project writes: “Gathering the stories and experiences, talking about the problems and their solutions can shed light on issues which are currently sidelined by the main interests of the city authorities and developers. The issue is broader and touches upon diverse aspects of the existence of these places on the map of Kraków.”

The walk will follow the trail of some places described in the project.

Guides: Jadwiga Schütterly and Filip Skowron; free admission, booking required: warsztaty@mck.krakow.pl. Meeting in front of the ICC building (Main Square 25).

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