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Prof. Maria Poprzęcka is the ZAiKS 100th Anniversary Prize laureate


We are pleased to inform you that Prof. Maria Poprzęcka, art historian and critic and the ICC Board Member from 2003 to 2022, was awarded the ZAiKS 100th Anniversary Prize. It is an award granted since 2018 to those who contributed to the development of Polish culture and social life in a significant way.


The professor is interested in modern art and the relation of visual art with other creative fields. For many years, she was director of the Art History Institute and president of the Art Historian Association. Member of the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences. Laureate of the Gdynia Literary Award in the Essay category. Honored with the Knight Cross of the Polish Revival in 2003 for “the exquisite scholar and educational works,” and in 2012 with the “Gloria Artis Gold Medal” for her works in heritage protection. In 2021, she was granted with the Kazimierz Wyka Award. Prof. Poprzędzka was a long-time collaborator of the International Culture Centre. She is the author of the articles in “HERITO” quarterly and took part in many meetings, accompanying projects realised by the ICC, as an expert.


Among other ZAiKS 100th Anniversary Prize laureates were Ewa Demarczyk, Jerzy Hausner, Lech Janerka, Hanna Krall, Chris Niedenthal, Krzysztof Penderecki, Tomasz Stańko, Jerzy Stuhr, Olga Tokarczuk, and Magda Umer.

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