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Call for papers to be presented at the "50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in Europe"


The International Cultural Centre is seeking proposals for papers to be presented at the upcoming conference titled “50 Years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in Europe. Achievements and Challenges” which will be held at the International Cultural Centre on June 8–10, 2022. The deadline for submissions is February 18, 2022.

We are expecting proposals focusing on one of the following topics:

1) The achievements and experiences of the Convention on the Protection of World Heritage in Europe.

2) Experiences and problems of European cities listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

3) Assessment of the current situation and development prospects of the World Heritage List.

4) Possibilities of application of experiences of the system in national heritage protection systems.

6) Modification needs resulting from European experiences – what can Europe offer to the World Heritage List?

7) Visegrad cooperation as an example of regional efforts in protecting the World Heritage sites


Proposals for 20-minute-long presentations should include:

- a short biographical note with academic title and institutional affiliation

- indication of the topic to which the paper refers

- title and an abstract in English of up to 150 words.


Please submit your proposals via e-mail to: unesco50@mck.krakow.pl by February 18, 2022.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by March 31, 2022.

There is no conference fee. The costs of transport and accommodation are covered by the conference participants (if the conference is held at the ICC in Krakow).

The conference will be held in English and will be followed by a peer-reviewed publication. All articles up to 4000-6000 words in length and submitted by specified deadline (to be announced later) will be considered for publication.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be organised either on-site, at the ICC in Krakow, or partly online.



With the financial support of:

Logo Kraków Logo MKiDN


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