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The Mature for Art. Photomontage - between image and text

2021-08-13, 11:00 a.m.
We invite you to another meeting as part of The Mature for Art. Lecture, which will take place on August 13 aims to look at the photomontage, approximation of the context of its creation and relationships not only with art, but also mass culture or politics.

Industry development, technical progress, urban transformations or new communication measures have changed not only the lifestyle of the first 19th century, but also a way of receiving the world.
The new stimuli meant that everyday life was rapidly gaining pace, and a confrontation with this fascinating, but often terrifying dynamics, awakened the need to develop new ways to present and commenting the world around. Among them were photomontage and collage, which in the hands
of such creators, like Hannah Höch or John Heartfield, became a powerful means of commenting on the social and political reality of the then Weimar Republic.

Lecture Fotomontage - between image and text August 13, at 11.00

The lecture will be carried out via the Zoom platform. In order to receive a virtual invitation, please send a request to the following address: workshop@mck.krakow.pl.

Leading: Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk - PhD student at the Institute of Art History at the Jagiellonian University and a graduate of interdisciplinary doctoral studies. Society - Technologies - Environment. He deals with cultural education and works as an independent curator. He conducts research on the concept of sculpture and the issue of opening works of art to the recipient in Catherine Kobro. Every day he works in the Branch of the Pilecki Institute in Berlin.

A series of The Mature for Art is a proposal for people who have a free morning and wanting to broaden their knowledge in the field of culture and art. The meeting program includes thematic lectures of the art historian on which a discussion takes place.

MCK's offer for seniors is covered by the patronage of the Senior's Voice (link: https://glosseniora.pl/). Detailed information can be obtained by writing to the address workshop@mck.krakow.pl or by calling the number 12 42 42 860.
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