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For adults
Mature for Art. Get-together at the ICC Gallery!

The ICC project aimed at people enjoying their free mornings and wishing to increase their competence in the fields of art and culture. Each meeting begins with a guided exhibition tour (currently on view at the ICC Gallery), followed by a short lecture which is an opportunity to get-together over tea and cookies.

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A project is another in a series of activities organised by the International Cultural Centre team and aimed at senior citizens who wish to participate in accompanying programmes of the exhibitions displayed at the ICC Gallery. The meetings offer a unique opportunity to visit the exhibition with a guide and, subsequently, expand one’s knowledge on the subject by talking to an expert in a given field of art.

In September, we join the Nowy Theatre Association in a project entitled “50 plus. New age of culture” whose end product is to be a mural created in the courtyard of the Nowy Theatre, Gazowa Street, No. 21, Krakow.

The first two meeting will be theoretical.

The first meeting will consist of a guided exhibition tour which will familiarise the visitors with the phenomenon of the Orange Alternative as well as a creator and leader of this unique artistic and social initiative, the charismatic Major Frydrych.

The second lecture will focus on street art. Sawa Białczyńska, an art historian and street artist herself, will share with the audience the findings of her research conducted on the role and reputation of this young, often marginalised, field of contemporary art. Being both a theoretician and practitioner, Sawa Białczyńska will characterise art street and introduce its artists and their milieu.

The last two meetings will be devoted to drawing graffiti.

A preparatory meeting will aim at establishing a theme of a mural as well as introducing the graffiti supplies and materials. Supervised by Sawa Białczyńska, the participants will arrive at a design as well as required templates and patterns. It will offer a unique opportunity to integrate when carrying out a creative task.
The last meeting will be devoted to the painting of a mural which will subsequently adorn the front elevation of the Now Theatre. Equipped in masks and protection clothes the participants’ actions will be coordinated by Sawa Białczyńska.


September 9, Friday, 11 a.m.
ICC, Main Square, No. 25
Major Frydrych – a coryphaeous of orange dwarves. A lecture on the exhibition entitled Happening Against Communism by the Orange Alternative

September 16, Friday, 11 a.m.
ICC, Main Square, No. 25
Graffiti – a controversial child of art. A lecture by Sawa Białczyńska   

September 23, Friday, 11 a.m.
ICC, Main Square, No. 25
A theatre of colours! Part One. An introduction to graffiti drawing by Sawa Białczyńska

September 30, Friday, 11 a.m.
Nowy Theatre, Gazowa Street, No. 21
A theatre of colours! Part Two. Painting a mural. Coordination by Sawa Białczyńska
See the photos

Rates  5 PLN per person (per individual meeting)
Free entrance for the owners of "50 plus. A new age of culture” card
Duration: from 1,5 to 2 hours
To sign up, please call us at 12 42 42 860, 812
e-mail at warsztaty[at]mck.krakow.pl

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