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For children

Winter ECO holidays: architectural design workshops for children

Winter ECO holidays at the International Cultural Centre will comprise of two days of workshops.
Held from 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., the first edition will be launched on February 15 with its closing date on February 16, 2012, while the second edition will take place from February 22 to February 23, 2012.

This winter’s workshops will invite the children to play a role of an architect-ecologist. Their task will be to design and make a mock-up of a building with the use of recycled materials and in line with the so-called “low-tech” construction techniques. The workshop’s instructor will explain the uniqueness of ecological (also known as green) architecture and share some of the best examples of this approach from all over the world. The participants will be encouraged to make their own green buildings using the recycled products (following refuse segregation model). The end-products of this activity, i.e. designs and models, are to correspond to the ones displayed at the ICC exhibition and seen by the children in advance.

On the second day of Winter ECO holidays the children will try to find the causes of current ecological degradation. They will also be invited to come up with the ways in which such dangerous processes can be stopped. Art and design workshops will create a unique opportunity to make a realistic mock-up of a forest. Its primary objective will be to raise environmental awareness of the importance of eco-system protection and its role in buidling a safe and good future for our planet.

The workshops will be preceded by a guided tour of the exhibition.
Workshop price: 5 PLN
To sign up, please email us at warsztaty[at]mck.krakow.pl; or call us at 12 42 42 860, 811
Attendees can participate in an unlimited number of workshops.
Only confirmed submissions are valid.
Instructor: Magdalena Worłowska

See the photos

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