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MAKOM. Dani Karavan. The Essence of Place

Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik has been officially appointed to be the director of the ICC
Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik has been officially appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, to be the director of the International Cultural Centre in Kraków.

On January 2, 2018 Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik will replace Prof. Jacek Purchla as the director of the International Cultural Centre in Kraków. Prof. Purchla has been serving as the director from the ICC’s establishment in 1991. Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik has been working in the ICC since 1996; for the last six years she has been the deputy director for programme policy responsible for the substantive functioning of the Centre.
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