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Maidan Through the Lens of Jakub Szymczuk

The ICC book is nominated in the Ambassador of New Europe competition
We are pleased to inform that the book published by the ICC The Turkey, Great Steppe and Central Europe by Adam Balcer became one of the five titles nominated in the Ambassador of New Europe competition.

This prestigious distinction is awarded every year for the best publications published in Polish, which presents in an innovative way historical processes or current experiences of Europeans, observed from the level of social relations and civic activities taking place in the area of ​​culture, education, politics and economy.

The award is funded by the European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk and the The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe.

It is worth recalling that in 2017, the title of the Ambassador of New Europe was awarded to the collection of essays by Claudio Magris, which was translated by Joanna Ugniewska and published by the ICC Publishing House. 

The book The Turkey, Great Steppe and Central Europe by Adam Balcer is available only in electronic version in the EPUB and MOBI format in our online bookshop and on the portal Publio.pl and Woblink.
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