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A new research project: Dissonant heritage

2015-05-04 - 2015-05-07
A study visit of the ICC researcher team under Professor Jacek Purchla to Bavaria was held as part of the new project Dissonant heritage. Architecture and urban planning at the times of National Socialism in today’s Poland. The German party was represented by staff of the Munich-based Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte under its Director, Professor Wolf Tegethoff.

Participants in the seminar visited the most important National Socialist architecture sites in Bavaria, including the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg and Führerbau in Munich. The Nazi documentation centres in Nuremberg and Obersalzberg were also visited, as well as the newly opened Nazism documentation centre in Munich – the city considered the cradle and a bastion of National Socialism in the Third Reich. The focus of the seminar was a reflection on the narration used in the exhibition. During the visit, Professor Jacek Purchla gave a lecture entitled Dissonant heritage. A Polish perspective.

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