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Anton Jasusch and Modernism in Košice

2016-10-27, 6:00 p.m.
27.10 (Thursday), 18.00
Anton Jasusch and Modernism in Košice 

A lecture by Zsófia Kiss‑Szemán within the cycle
Art in Slova­kia in the interwar period accompanying the exhibition Košická moderna. Admission is free, lecture in Slovak translated simultaneously into Polish. 

The lecture will introduce one of the artists presented in the exhibition. Jasusch was artistically active for over 40 years, which makes his oeuvre epitomise several different trends in art. Before the First World War, he achieved fame as a landscape painter, yet at the time, his works remained under the influence of Post-Impressionism. Nevertheless, those early pieces anticipate his future fascination with Expressionism. It was Jasusch’s experience of the German and Hungarian Expressionists that led him towards Modernism.

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