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Hungary – lecture by Dr. hab. Gábora Lagzi

2019-01-10, 6:00 p.m.
We invite you to a lecture by Gábor Lagzi devoted to Hungary. The event is part of the 1918. Culture of New Europe accompanying the exhibition Architecture of Independence in Central Europe at the ICC Gallery.

Dr. hab. GÁBOR LAGZI – historian and Polish philologist by education (studies at ELTE in Budapest), also a graduate of the East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. Academic lecturer (University of Debrecen, Pannon University in Veszprém), author of 4 monographs (including Ellenzékiség és együttműködés között. Ukránok a két világháború közötti Lengyelországban, 1918–1939 / cooperation between. ) and many articles about Poland and Central Europe in the 20th century. Recently, he has prepared the correspondence of two emigrants, Jerzy Giedroyc and György Gömöri (Polish editor and Hungarian Polish philologist. Correspondence of Jerzy Giedroyc and György / George Gömöri, 1958–2000). Currently he works as a diplomat at the Hungarian Embassy in Warsaw.
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