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“The Photographer’s Wanderings” photography workshops

July 8 and September 9, at 12.00

We invite you to participate in practical outdoor activities inspired by the photographs presented at the exhibition “Lithuania. Two Centuries of Photography”.

During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to develop their photographic skills. Andrzej Pilichowski-Ragno will talk about the methods of framing, working with light, controlling the exposure, and the selection of settings. The task of the participants will be to capture the atmosphere of the city and depict the everyday life of its inhabitants.


We invite beginners as well as experienced photographers who want to develop their skills.


Participants are required to bring their own camera or a phone equipped with a camera.


Workshops are free with prior booking required.

Booking via Evenea portal:

1st meeting: July 8, at 12:00 - devoted to humanist photography
https://app.evenea.pl/event/warsztatyfotograficzne0907/    FULLY BOOKED
You can still sign up for the reserve list - please contact us at: warsztaty@mck.krakow.pl.

2nd meeting: September 9, at 12:00 - devoted to documentary photography (pre-booking available from 29 August)


Duration: approx. 180 minutes


Workshop instructor:

Andrzej Pilichowski-Ragno – graduate of Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University, PhD candidate at the Department of Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. He runs an authorial photography course, organises workshops and outdoor photography classes. He teaches photography at the Ama Film Academy in Krakow and at the Open Studio of Photography at the Krakow University of Technology. He is active as a street photographer and is a researcher of photographic theory and criticism.

Cyanotype workshops: “Luxography – painting with light” with Olka Barczak

Photography enthusiasts are invited to a meeting with Olka Barczak – “Lady-expert of colours”. The host will talk about proto-photographic techniques and about colours that are an integral part of the visual language of every work of art.  
Graphic with the name of the event.

Photo workshops: „A flash in the plein-air”

We would love to invite you to the workshop by Anita Andrzejewska and Andrzej Pilichowski-Ragno about portrait shots taken in plein-air with a flash lamp.  
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