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V4 Heritage Academy: Management of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Sites in Visegrad Countries 2024
Applications for the 13th edition of the V4 Heritage Academy: Management of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Sites in Visegrad Countries 2024 are open until May 19th. The program is a week-long educational summer school designed for employees of cultural institutions, conservation services, and students from Central Europe. It is organized by the International Cultural Center in collaboration with Visegrad partners under the auspices of the Working Group of Experts on the Cultural Heritage of the Visegrad Group Countries.

The program focuses on the management of cultural heritage sites in accordance with the standards applicable to sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is organized annually in a different Visegrad Four country. This year's edition will take place from July 8th to July 14th in Krakow and Zabrze, and will address the management of post-industrial heritage sites.

The project offers five spots for Polish citizens. The International Cultural Center fully covers the cost of participation, excluding transportation to and from Krakow. To participate in the selection process, please send the completed application form to: m.swidrak@mck.krakow.pl. Applications are accepted until May 19, 2024.

Application form

Due to the specific nature of the 13th V4 Heritage Academy: Management of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Sites in Visegrad Countries 2024, the planned format of the workshops and classes may not be suitable for people with claustrophobia or cardiac problems .

The project partners include the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, and the Ministry of Construction and Transport of Hungary.
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