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V4 Group's Report

We present a report on the management and protection of cultural heritage, prepared by the Expert Working Group on Cultural Heritage of the Visegrad Countries.

It contains information about the monument preservation systems in V4 countries; interviews with experts;

- a selection of the most interesting projects in the field of heritage management in V4 countries;

- a presentation of projects coordinated by the Expert Working Group on Cultural Heritage of Visegrad Countries.


Since 2006, the International Cultural Centre has been responsible for coordinating the work of the Group, which involves representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary, and the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic. The ICC initiated the compilation of the report on the management and protection of cultural heritage to bring together 30 years' experience in historic preservation and the expertise of specialists from across the region. 

Together with partners from the Visegrad countries, the ICC has been organizing the V4 Heritage Academy Summer Schools (since 2009) and the Central European Heritage Forums (since 2011) taking place in Krakow, which bring together the most important experts and researchers in heritage in the region.


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