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“What do the birds say (to us)?” An expert guided tour

2022-08-20, 3:00 p.m.
Black-and-white photograph of a bird.

On the 20th of August 20, at 3 p.m. an expert guided tour of the exhibition "Homing. Włodzimierz Puchalski" took place.

During the tour, the participants learned what kinds of messages are conveyed by birds, what they signal through their behaviour or poses. They also learned about the birds' amazing habits, the means they use to adapt to life in a given environment and deal with the dangers that await them.

The starting point for this story were the photos of Włodzimierz Puchalski – the pioneer of Polish nature photography and nature lover. In addition to fun facts from the life of birds, there were also be interesting stories about the methods of the photographer’s work. There was an opportunity to listen to recordings with bird sounds – some of them quite astonishing.


The guides for this exhibition tour were the founders of the Ptakofonia project:

Andrzej Barć – a graduate of Sound Engineering Techniques at the Secondary School No. 19 in Krakow and the Baranowski 1st degree Music School in Krakow in the accordion class. He studies journalism at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He collaborates with the UJOT FM radio station and the Polish Radio Rzeszów, preparing nature-related programmes. He conducts nature classes and walks for children and youth from schools and educational centres, including the Symbioza ZZM Centre for Ecological Education in Krakow.


Krzysztof Ekstowicz – a graduate of Sound Engineering Techniques at the Secondary School No. 19 in Krakow and the Baranowski 1st degree Music School in Krakow in the organ class. He completed the film and editing course “Kołem się toczy”. Currently, he cooperates with Krakow-based recording studios, Nonagram and Multilab. He co-creates several audio-visual projects, including “Ptakofonia”, and prepares teaching materials for the Symbioza ZZM Centre for Ecological Education in Krakow.

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