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The Central European Book Club: „Pod słońcem” Julii Fiedorczuk

2024-06-19, 6:00 p.m.
Graphic with the name of the event.


We invite you to the next meeting of the Club of People Reading Central European Literature. The next meeting will be held on June 19, Wednesday, at 6:00 p.m. at the MCK.

Its topic will be "Under the Sun" by Julia Fiedorczuk, and it will be led by Dr. Anna Marchewka.


In turbulent times, a novel can be a source of knowledge about the world, the present, the past, power relations, and the mechanisms that organize the lives of individuals and societies.
"Under the Sun" by Julia Fiedorczuk seems to be just such a book: capable of handling the intertwining of great and small history, reflecting the complicated fate of human and non-human beings subjected to forces greater than themselves, and even able to break cognitive habits and even discover new possibilities of old forms. literary. Is it true?
We will find out during our June meeting.

Anna Marchewka - literary scholar and literary critic. In the monthly "Znak" she manages the "Stacja: Literature" column. Member of the editorial board of "Czas Literatury". Moderator of the prose Reading Discussion Club. She co-creates the Studio of Critical Questions (Department of Contemporary Criticism of the Jagiellonian University).

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