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Russia and Poland – culture and politics - lecture by Prof. Alexandr Lipatov

The fourth meeting from the cycle started in 2012 on the situation in contemporary Poland and Russia with an emphasis on culture, history and national heritage. The idea of the Russian meetings was conceived in cooperation with the Centre for Polish Russian Dialogue and Understanding, falling within the tradition of debates on the culture of European countries held in the Ravens Hall.

Alexandr Lipatov – is a Polonist, Slavist, academic employee of the Institute for Slavonic Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, and professor at the Russian State University of Humanities. He is the author of many publications on literary history and Polish culture, European civilisation and Slavdom, relations between Russia and Western culture and art, the theory and methodology of historical and cultural research, and the sociopolitical and cultural situation in post Soviet Russia. His publications include Słowiańszczyzna – Polska – Rosja. Studia o literaturze i kulturze (Slavdom – Poland – Russia: Studies on literature and culture, 1999), Rosja i Polska. Konfrontacja i grawitacja (Russia and Poland: Confrontation and gravity, 2003), and Rosja dzisiejsza. Między przeszłością a teraźniejszością (Today’s Russia: Between the past and the present, 2007).

Admission free, a lecture in Polish.

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