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Exhibition at the ICC: "Socmodernism. Architecture in Central Europe during the Cold War"

Graphic with the UFO bridge in Bratislava and the name and date of the exhibition.

On October 3rd, the exhibition "Socmodernism. Architecture in Central Europe during the Cold War" opened its doors at the International Cultural Centre in Krakow.

Opened on October 2

The exhibition showcases nearly 400 objects from over a dozen Central European countries, revealing the architectural diversity of this remarkable period. From futuristic structures to iconic public utility buildings, the exhibition is a testament to the architectural explorations during the Cold War era.

The curators, Dr. Łukasz Galusek, Dr. Michał Wiśniewski and Natalia Żak, emphasize that social modernism deserves a new look, away from established stereotypes.

The exhibition runs until January 19, 2025 and is a unique opportunity to understand the architectural heritage of the region.

We cordially invite you to discover the extraordinary history of architecture and to participate in a very rich accompanying program.

More information: HERE
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