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MINIencounters with Art: GROTESQUE | live workshops

2021-03-14, 12:30 a.m.
Carnival mask
MINIencounters with Art are cyclical classes that took place in the historic rooms of the ICC before the pandemic. If you would like to come back to the idea of ​​workshops focusing on one concept related to the world around us, art, architecture and design, we invite you to take part in online meetings.

At the exhibition Printmaking as a Pair. Jadwiga Kaim-Otręba and Ryszard Otręba are presented with abstract graphics, one of which is called the "grotesque". During the workshops, we explained what the grotesque is characterized by and where it got its name from. Workshop was available at the ICC profile on Facebook on Sunday, March 14th, at 12.30.

The class was conducted by Marcin Krotla – ICC educator

Materials needed to make the artwork: colored paper (different shades), scissors, glue, ribbon, punch, white sheet of technical A3 size paper.

Workshop in Polish.
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