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MINIencounters with Art: FASHION | live workshops

2021-05-23, 12:30 a.m.
Banner MINIencounters with Art
The theme of the Sunday workshops was FASHION. Together, we created two paper accessories for clothing – national bows and bracelets, which can be a perfect gift for mothers on the occasion of their upcoming holiday. Workshop took place on ICC profile on Facebook on Sunday, May 23rd at 12.30.

To make the artwork you need: ribbon, scissors, glue, A4 colored paper (favorite colors).

MINIencounters with Art are cyclical classes that took place in the historic spaces of the ICC before the pandemic. If we want to return to the idea of workshops focusing on one concept related to the world around us, with art, architecture and design, we invite you to take part in on-line meetings.

Workshop in Polish.
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