Tłumacz Migam - Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon Tekst łatwy do czytania i rozumienia Informacje dla zwiedzających

Copenhagen and its museum

The lecturer will discuss the contemporary ways of interpreting a city, its heritage and its ongoing cultural, social and economic changes. She will talk about the most important projects carried out by the Museum of Copenhagen that portray the role of the city in shaping the cultural identity of its inhabitants. Bringing to contemporary narration, the exhibitions capture the gradual changes taking place in the city and stimulate reflection on how to document what is new. The key element of the projects was The Wall, a container with a 12m touch screen installed opposite Copenhagen Town Hall. On The Wall, images, maps and photographs were displayed, capturing superficially absurd compositions, collectively creating a mental memory map of the city.

Jette Sandahl – is a psychologist and activist working for many years with the university in Aarhus, and a specialist in the field of museum management. She has co‑created and implemented changing programmes in museums, striving towards opening museums up to new ways of interpreting heritage, such as postcolonialism or gender studies. She is a graduate of the museum management course organised by the J.P. Getty Museum Management Institute.

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