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Poland and Ukraine - around the correspondence of Jerzy Giedroyc and Bohdan Osadczuk

2019-12-05, 6:00 p.m.
International Cultural Centre, College of Eastern Europe Jan Nowak-Jeziorański in Wrocław and the editors of the bimonthly "New Eastern Europe" invite you to a meeting with Bogumila Berdychowska, a journalist specializing in the history of Ukraine and Polish-Ukrainian relations. An opportunity to talk is the volume of correspondence of Jerzy Giedroyc and Bohdan Osadczuk, which was recently published thanks to the efforts of the College of Eastern Europe. The meeting will be hosted by Iwona Reichardt (NEE) and Łukasz Galusek (ICC).

Book Jerzy Giedroyc, Bohdan Osadczuk. Correspondence 1950-2000, prepared by Bogumila Berdychowska and Marek Żebrowski, contains all the preserved letters of Jerzy Giedroyc (1906-2000) with Bohdan Osadczuk (1920-2011). Correspondence conducted for half a century is an inexhaustible source of knowledge about Polish-Ukrainian relations in the 20th century and the history of the Literary Institute in Paris. The extensive volume contains 855 letters written in the years 1950–2000. They reveal the behind-the-scenes policy of Paris's Eastern culture. It is remarkable how much influence on contemporary relations between Poland and Ukraine was exerted by this small group of emigrants possessing very modest financial resources.
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