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Applications for the 31st edition of the Thesaurus Poloniae Scholarship Programme

Thesaurus Poloniae.


Applications for the 31st edition of the Thesaurus Poloniae Scholarship Programme are open until 31 January 2025. This initiative is aimed at international researchers specialising in the culture, history, and heritage of Poland and Central Europe.


Thesaurus Poloniae is a three-month scholarship programme organised by the International Cultural Centre in Krakow since autumn 2009. It is designed for international scholars conducting research on the culture, history, and multicultural heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Central Europe. Scholars specialising in history, art history, sociology, ethnography, cultural anthropology, and related disciplines are welcome to apply.


The programme is offered in two categories:

- Senior Programme – for professors and academic lecturers holding a doctoral degree,

- Junior Programme – for doctoral students.


The Thesaurus Poloniae programme is open to international researchers who are not Polish citizens. Each scholarship lasts three months. Selected participants will receive:

- a scholarship (4500 PLN per month for Senior Programme participants and 3500 PLN per month for Junior Programme participants),

- a one-off grant (1500 PLN) for the purchase of books and research materials, paid together with the first scholarship instalment.


The ICC provides scholarship holders with access to its library, which includes a reading room equipped with computer stations and Internet access. Assistance in accessing archives and libraries, as well as the educational and research resources of Krakow’s academic and cultural institutions, is also available. Scholarship recipients are provided with a fully furnished, private flat in the city centre.


Applicants for the Thesaurus Poloniae programme are requested to submit the following documents to the ICC by the specified deadline:

- application formavailable for download on the ICC website),

- CV,

- two reference letters from academic supervisors (for Junior Programme applicants),

- an essay outlining the planned research project to be conducted during the scholarship period in Krakow (up to 500 words).


Applications can be submitted:

- via email: thesaurus@mck.krakow.pl,

- or by post to:

Thesaurus Poloniae Scholarship Programme

International Cultural Centre

Rynek Główny 25

31-008 Krakow



For more information about the programme, please visit the ICC website.

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