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Aleksander Gieysztor Award for Prof. Jacek Purchla and the ICC

The interior of the room. In the foreground, Prof. Jacek Purchla and Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik hold diplomas - awards.

Prof. Jacek Purchla and the International Cultural Centre have been recognised for their contribution in the protection and promotion of cultural heritage.


The Aleksander Gieysztor Award is granted to individuals and institutions involved in innovative projects related to the promotion of heritage within the social and cultural spheres.


The award for 2022 was granted by the jury of the 30th edition of the Aleksander Gieysztor “Eastern Studies” Award. “Eastern Studies” is an academic quarterly, published since 1991, dedicated to the history of Eastern Europe as a cultural and political region.


Photo: Anna Zdunek

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