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Visit of Irina Cajal-Marin, Undersecretary of State at the romanian Ministry of Culture

On January 27, 2025, the International Cultural Centre in Krakow had the honor of hosting mrs. Irina Cajal-Marin, Undersecretary of State in the romanian Ministry of Culture. This visit marked an important milestone in the international cultural dialogue that has long found its place within the ICC’s spaces.

The meeting with mrs. Irina Cajal-Marin, Undersecretary of State in the romanian Minister of Culture and her delegation, mr. MădălinIamandei – Advisor to the Minister of Culture and mr. Ovidiu Miron – Director of the romanian Cultural Institute in Poland, provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the rich legacy of Polish-romanian collaboration. While highlighting past projects, the discussions primarily focused on new exhibitions of romanian art to be presented at the ICC in 2025 and on cooperation within the framework of the Polish-Romanian Cultural Season 2024-2025. These upcoming projects will offer a unique opportunity to familiarize Polish audiences with the richness and diversity of romanian culture.

The international dimension of the ICC’s activities has been a cornerstone of its mission for years. As a hub for cultural encounters and dialogue, the ICC not only initiates but also fosters collaboration with partners from around the globe. The visit of mrs. Irina Cajal-Marin and the plans for joint initiatives with the romanian Ministry of Culture are yet another testament to the ICC’s role as a leading institution shaping cultural cooperation at the highest level.
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