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Thematic tours - exhibition closing

2025-01-17, 5:00 p.m.

We would like to invite you to the final thematic guided tours of the exhibition prepared by Joanna Majewska-Grabowska and Marcin Krotla.

Participation in the events is included in the exhibition ticket price.

Guided tours are held in Polish.

Schedule below:

8 January (Wednesday), 17.00: ,"Socmodernizm niezrealizowany" - guided by Marcin Krotla, who will focus our attention on architectural projects and urban planning concepts that never lived to see realisation in the Eastern Bloc, despite the architects' creative ideas.

9 January (Thursday), 17.00: ,"Architecture against the background of and as a tool of conflict" - 0lead by Joanna Majewska-Grabowska, who will discuss how architecture served as a manifestation of modernity, power and strength during the Cold War and served as a battleground between the Eastern and Western Blocs.

10 January (Friday), 5pm: , "Flying saucers and star wars - architecture of the space age". - guided by Marcin Krotla. After the launch of the first artificial satellite in 1957, space inspiration permeated architecture and pop culture. It's time to analyse the most daring designs from this period!

11 January (Saturday), 4 pm: , "Western inspirations" - guided by Joanna Majewska-Grabowska. How did the architecture of the East draw inspiration from the West despite the Iron Curtain?

15 January (Wednesday), 17.00:  , "Architecture for society and society towards architecture" - guided tour by Joanna Majewska-Grabowska, who will discuss how architecture responded to the housing problem and the needs of residents during the era of social modernism.

16 January (Thursday), 17.00: ,"Emancipation at the drawing board - about female architects and urban planners of Socialist Modernism" - guided by Marcin Krotla, who will direct our gaze to the role of women in the architecture of Socialist Modernism and their contribution to the creation of space during the Cold War.

17 January (Friday), 17.00: ,"Socialmodernism in Ukraine". - guided by Joanna Majewska-Grabowska, who will discuss the experiences and challenges of Ukrainian architects in the USSR and the reception of this legacy today.

18 January (Saturday), 14.00: , "Meeting of East and West - Expo in Brussels and its impact on Socialist Modernism" - guided by Marcin Krotla, who will discuss the impact of the 1958 Brussels World Expo on the architecture of the Eastern Bloc and the successes of Czechoslovakia in the context of modernity.

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