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Lecture: "Interdisciplinarity and experiment. In the circle of Jerzy Sołtan and Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz

2024-09-30, 12:00 a.m.
Graphic with the name of the event.

Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz and Jerzy Sołtan - two outstanding teachers of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, whose work crossed the boundaries of genres, experimented with form and material, and combined various disciplines. The works of Jerzy Sołtan, who worked at the intersection of sculpture, painting, architecture and applied design, and Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz, who opened sculpture to new creative questions and methods of operation, are phenomena important for understanding the Polish post-war artistic landscape.

Lecture related to the exhibition "Henryk Morel. Drawing - Sculpture - Spatial Composition" from 1997 will focus on the ways in which these two artists integrated various areas of art and the importance of their work for figures such as Barbara Falender and Oskar Hansen.


The meeting will be held online via the Zoom platform. Participation in the lecture is free of charge. To receive a link to participate, please send your application to: sklepy@mck.krakow.pl



Lecture from the "Decades with Art" series.


Dr. Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk
– art historian, curator. She studied art history at the Jagiellonian University, Universität Wien, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. A graduate of the interdisciplinary programme Environment-Technology-Society (Jagiellonian University). Author of academic articles on art and architecture of the 20th century and essays in exhibition catalogues and magazines. Co-editor of the anthology “obraz/ciało” and co-editor of “Komponowanie przestrzeni. Rzeźby awangardy”. Co-author and curator of the Exercising Modernity programme (Pilecki-Institut Berlin). As part of her doctoral dissertation prepared at the Institute of Art History of the Jagiellonian University, she investigates the concept of space in the work of Katarzyna Kobro.

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