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A talk about the exhibition of Ewa Kierska

Paintings by Ewa Kierska.
“This exhibition comes from loyalty, friendship and dreams.” We encourage you to listen to the conversation between Justyna Nowicka and Anna Baranowa, prof. Jacek Waltos and Wiesław Dyląg. The theme is the exhibition “Mrs. Cogito. Ewa Kierska (1923-2013),” currently presented in the medieval basements of the International Cultural Center

The conversation concerns the work of Ewa Kierska, but also her influence on the artistic community. She was friends with, among others, Jerzy Nowosielski, Tadeusz Różewicz, and Mieczysław Porębski. She was a mentor and authority for the younger generation of artists from the WPROST group, which brought together students of Adam Hoffman, the artist's husband.

The talk is available at: https://radiokrakowkultura.pl/podcasty/krakowska-malarka-ewa-kierska
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