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Winter holidays: In the search of architecture. Discover the secrets of the Ravens House tenement

2024-02-22, 12:30 a.m.
Graphic with the name of the event.

We would love to invite you to a creative family workshop. Together, we will tour the Ravens House and delve into stories hidden within its walls.


We will discover how it looked in the past and how it its surroundings have changed, especially the Main Square. We will develop imagination and stimulate creativity through building, cutting, gluing, and painting. All artistic materials, along with the fun, will be provided.


Each meeting will include visiting different spaces. You can attend the whole series or just one workshop.



February 14, 2024, 12:30 pm: Under the Raven’s Banner

February 15, 2024, 12:30 pm: The Medieval Labyrinth

February 21, 2024, 12:30 pm: The Old Tenement – Modern Solutions

February 22, 2024, 12:30 pm: From the Other Perspective


Booking a spot is not needed.

Entry fee: 5 PLN per person (paid in the Gallery on the 1st floor)

Preferred age of attendants: 5–12 years old

More info at: a.klejzerowicz@mck.krakow.pl


Please be advised that during classes, workshops, meetings, gallery lessons, lectures, photos may be taken for the needs of the International Cultural Center in Krakow (including for documentation and information on the ICC website and on the ICC profiles on Facebook and Instagram. ). If you do not agree to this, please inform us in advance. Photos may contain images of people participating in the classes and images of works made during the classes. Failure to provide written or oral information to the Communication Center before the start of classes is tantamount to consent to the use of the above-mentioned photos by the International Cultural Center in Krakow.

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