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Between Lviv and Kraków - lecture by Dr Michał Wiśniewski

2018-02-01, 6:00 p.m.
Graphics with the name of event.
February 1, Thursday, at 18.00. 

Between Lviv and Kraków. The influence of the Lviv Technical University on the architecture of Kraków – lecture by Dr Michał Wiśniewski within the programme accompanying the exhibition Lviv, 24 June 1937. City, architecture, modernism. The academics from the Lviv Technical University left their mark on the architecture of interwar Poland. Many Lviv architects, including Fryderyk Tadanier and Wacław Nowakowski, were active in Kraków, which did not have a technical university then. The Kraków skyline from the interwar period offers an interesting subject for study allowing us to trace the influence of the Lviv Technical University in the context of local tradition.

Michał Wiśniewski – historian of architecture, his doctoral dissertation concerned the relations between modernist architecture and politics in the interwar Poland. Author of monographs on Ludwik Wojtyczko (wAM, 2003) and Adolf Szyszko- Bohusz (Instytut Architektury, 2013), co- author of a book on Witold Cęckiewicz (Instytut Architektury, 2015). Curator of the exhibition Reac‑ tion to Modernism: the architecture of Adolf Szyszko ‑Bohusz (National Museum in Kraków, 2013) and co- author of other exhibitions organised by the Institut Architektury foundation: Za ‑mieszkanie 2012. Miasto ogrodów, miasto ogrodzeń (National Museum in Kraków, 2012), Impossible Objects (Polish Pavilion at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, 2014), Monument: the architecture of Adolf Szyszko ‑Bohusz (Zachęta – National Art Gallery, 2014). Member of the board of the Instytut Architektury foundation. Admission is free, lecture in Polish.
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