Tłumacz Migam - Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon Tekst łatwy do czytania i rozumienia Informacje dla zwiedzających
Family workshops

MINImeetings with art

We invite families with children aged 4-12 to creative workshops inspired by the exhibition "Socmodernism. Architecture in Central Europe during the Cold War.

During classes, children will discover how important the functioning of cities is, learn about various styles and trends in art, all through play and their own experiences. Art workshops using creative materials will allow you to create a variety of spatial art works.

Workshop schedule:

September 29, at 12:30 – MODERNISM

October 13, at 12:30 – URBAN DESIGN

October 27, at 12:30 – FUNCTIONALITY

November 17, at 12:30 – STRUCTURE

December 1, at 12:30: Santa Claus - registration required at: a.klejzerowicz@mck.krakow.pl

December 15, at 12:30 – PROJECT

January 19, at 12:30 – MINIMALISM


Words and brushes

We also offer classes inspired by the exhibition in Ukrainian. These are integration workshops that, in addition to creative activities, introduce elements of learning Ukrainian and Polish languages.

Workshop schedule:

October 6, 12:30 – ARCHITECT

October 20, 12:30 – SPACE

November 10, 12:30 – BLOCK

November 24, 12:30 – MODERNITY

December 8, 12:30 – MONUMENTALISM

January 12, 12:30 – SPACE

January 26, 12:30 – GEOMETRY


Free classes. No need to book places (except for the indicated classes).


More information can be obtained at: sklepy@mck.krakow.pl or by phone: 12 42 42 860.



We would like to inform you that during classes, workshops, meetings, gallery lessons and lectures, photos may be taken for the needs of the International Cultural Center in Krakow (including, among others, for the purposes of documentation and information on the MCK website and on the MCK profiles on Facebook and Instagram ). If you do not consent to this, please let us know in advance. Photos may contain images of people participating in classes and images of work done during classes. The lack of information provided in writing or orally to the Communication Center before the start of classes is tantamount to consent for the International Cultural Center in Krakow to use the photos referred to above.


Media patron of MCK educational events:


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