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City walks

As part of our programme of events accompanying the exhibition “Lithuania. Two Centuries of Photography” the ICC invites visitors to take part in two walks dedicated to Lithuanian traces in Krakow: events, people, ideas, and places linking Poland and Lithuania.


12 August at 12 pm – “Lithuanian traces in Wawel Hill”, guided walk with Michał Makówka

26 August at 12 pm – “Lithuanian Krakow”, guided walk with Nikodem Szczygłowski

Arras with the coats of arms of Poland and Lithuania.

Guided walk: “Lithuanian traces in Wawel Hill”

The guided walk will focus on the search for traces of the Polish-Lithuanian union in Wawel Hill. What was the union like during the reign of the Jagiellonian dynasty? What role did successive rulers play in shaping it? The guide will also talk about how the relationship of the two countries was represented in culture and art.
Photograph showing three men standing backwards.

Guided walk: “Lithuanian Krakow”

The theme of the city walk would be Lithuanian traces in Krakow that could be found both in the historic architecture and the cultural heritage of the city.  
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