Tłumacz Migam - Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon Tekst łatwy do czytania i rozumienia Informacje dla zwiedzających
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Nature walks
We invite you to four thematic nature walks.


6 August, 11 a.m. – "Photographic discovery of the forest", guide: Krzysztof Morańda
More information at the website: news.

27 August, 11 a.m.
 – "Habits of urban birds", guide: Andrzej Barć / Ptakofonia
More information at the website: news.


3 September, 11 a.m. "In the beech heart of the Wolski Forest", guide: Dawid Masło

The walk is organised in cooperation with the “Symbioza” Centre for Ecological Education in Krakow

More information at the website: news.

 8 October, 11 a.m. – "Homing in Krakow", guide: dr Kasper Jakubowski

This event is for a limited number of attendees. Prior booking is required. To book contact us on Monday before the walk at: warsztaty@mck.krakow.pl

The meeting point will be specified in an email sent to confirm your booking.


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