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Graphics in shades of blue with black lettering.
28 July

28 July (Thursday), 9 p.m., duration: 1 h 13 min

“Breaking Boundaries: The Science of our Planet”, dir. Jon Clay, 2021

David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström talk about the biodiversity crisis on Earth and how to deal with it. This is the story of the most important scientific discovery of our time – the fact that mankind has pushed the limits that have secured the stability of life on Earth for the last 10,000 years to the maximum. During the 75 minutes of the film, we will learn about the solutions that we can and must implement now if we want to protect the mechanisms that support life on our planet.


The film is in English with Polish subtitles.


The tickets are available at the ICC Gallery ticket office. There are no more tickets available for this screening on the Evenea website.

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